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Clubs and Organizations at Andrean High School

The Academic Super Bowl team consists of 5 separate teams:

*Math; *Science; *English Literature; *Social Studies; *Fine Arts



Science: Mr. Price

Math: Mrs. Lick

Fine Arts: Mrs. Price

English: Mrs. Lasecki

Social Studies: Mrs. Linklater


第六个小组,跨学科,由五个单一学科小组的成员组成. Teams consist of no more than five members each, and students can participate in no more than two teams; three teams if a student is selected to compete on the Interdisciplinary squad. 每个团队都有责任成为各自学科领域的专家. Outside reading and study are required. 题目是由印第安纳州学校校长协会的学术竞赛部门为该州所有学校预先确定的.

Moderator: Mr. Nohos


安德烈学生大使是一个代表安德烈参加学校招待活动的学生组织, grade school visits, and are hosts for visitors. 他们在整个学年的许多场合都被召集起来. 学生大使的申请可以在学年开始时通过招生办公室在9月份进行征集. 申请人被要求写一篇威廉希尔中文他们在安德烈大学的经历的短文,并得到教师的批准. 公开演讲是许多大使任务的要求. Parental permission to leave campus is necessary.



Moderator: Mr. Price and Mrs. Wyness


“智力竞赛碗”是面向高中生的“危险”节目,设有电子蜂鸣器锁定系统. 成功的团队成员将广博的知识和敏捷的手指结合起来. Try-outs occur in early November. 比赛季节从12月中旬持续到3月中旬.  State & National tournaments follow.

Moderator: Mrs. Markovich and Mrs. Grove


安德烈剧院公司让学生有机会参与戏剧制作的各个方面, from acting and publicity to set construction, stage management, and more. 剧团每年都会制作几部剧目,包括一部全剧和一部音乐剧.


Get tickets to this weekend's fall play here


Moderator: Mrs. Markovich


国际戏剧协会是一个为对戏剧有浓厚兴趣的学生而设的组织. 学生必须被邀请加入,一旦达到某些标准将收到邀请. 戏剧协会的成员将有机会参加会议, contests, and receive college scholarships.

Moderator: Ms. Ruehl


学生有机会通过进一步的教育获得对艺术更大的欣赏, studio time, speakers, and field trips.

校园事工的职责是建立安理家每一位成员的信仰和属灵生活. Special events include monthly and twice-weekly masses, opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, special prayer services, day-long underclass faith experiences, the senior Kairos retreat program, the International Rosary, community service projects, presentations, and faith-building workshops for faculty, staff, and parents.

Moderators: Mr. Blane


Each class has four elected officers. 每个班的学生都被鼓励参加班级活动. See your class moderator for additional information.

Moderator: Mrs. Evans


This group produces the school yearbook. 学生拍照,写文案,并帮助组织书的布局.

Moderators: Mrs. Georgas and Mrs. Grove


As members of the multicultural club, 我们保证作为一个统一整体的个别部分进行互动,以充分利用我们多元文化的存在. 我们还承诺在我们的家庭、学校和社区中成为积极的榜样. We believe that having knowledge of ourselves, being proud of who we are, 与我们的同学分享这些知识将创造一个更好的学校.

Moderators: Dr. Miller and  Mrs. Wyness


国家荣誉协会是一个为大三和大四学生服务的组织. 成员是根据他们的学识、服务、品格和领导能力来挑选的. Members must maintain at least a 3.3 GPA and be active in school activities, 服务或宗教组织以及学校活动, showing leadership and character in the classroom. 我们分会的一些活动包括向食品储藏室捐款, ringing bells for the Salvation Army, raising funds for the Franciscan Breast Care Center, and peer tutoring.  特别郊游或实地考察:国家荣誉协会成员为安德烈学生协调辅导计划. 成员每年选择额外的个人和团体项目.


附加说明:未来的国家荣誉协会成员应该参与学校的各种服务活动, parish, or local community to augment their resumes for membership.

Moderator: Mrs. Noble Urchell


This society is open to any sophomore, junior, or senior in good standing, a “B” overall average and a minimum of 3.0 in Spanish. 会员必须为西班牙裔人口提供服务,并在安德烈和其他地方推广西班牙语言和文化. Members tutor the underclassmen in Spanish, 推广国际玫瑰经和瓜达卢佩圣母的节日弥撒. They also tutor in the community.

Moderator: Ms. Kopil


Spell Bowl is a team spelling bee with written words. 10名拼写员每人拼出9个单词,获得90分的满分. All teams spell the same words. Try-outs are held at the beginning of the school year.

Moderators: Mrs. DeMass & Mr. Blane


安德烈学生委员会为学生提供了解决学校相关问题的途径. 通过学校和社区活动,培养学生的良好公民意识和领导能力. 学生会通过协调所有的返校活动和安排新生迎新活动来弘扬校风. It also sponsors the Winter Formal and Armageddon. 学生会是让学生团体有特殊日子的渠道.e. Andrean wear, dress-up, etc.

Moderator: Mrs. Maldonado


YARC (Young Adults Really Care). Started by Sister Paul in 1970, YARC旨在通过为有特殊需要的人举办节日派对来传播快乐和包容性. 这些聚会在万圣节、圣诞节和复活节期间举行.


During these events, 我们优秀的安德烈学生将在那里帮助客人制作艺术和手工艺,并与客人一起分享愉快的晚餐. On Halloween, 我们的客人将有机会去玩不给糖就捣蛋的游戏, while during Christmas, 圣诞老人的特别来访一定会给每个人的脸上带来笑容. 当然,在复活节期间,我们将组织一个令人兴奋的找蛋活动,庆祝这欢乐的一周.

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